Level 3 Credit Card Processing-Why you should Consider it!

Why should you consider including level 3 credit card processing if you accept credit cards from other businesses or government?
Not doing so, you lose .80%-1.5% of potential revenue on every credit card you accept.
To understand level 3 processing if accept B2B Business-2-Business & B2G Business-2-Government transactions you need to have a basic understating of interchange.
Visa and MasterCard use “interchange fees” to determine how much you pay the issuing bank. There are over 400 various rates that vary depending on: Type of cards, your industry, size of the ticket, SIC code, method of processing and many other factors.
For business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) purchases, these interchange fees fall into one of 3 processing categories — Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3. Level 1 has the highest rates. Level 3 has the lowest rates.
Accepting credit cards from other businesses or government w/o including level 3 processing detail, Your Losing .85%-1.5% of potential (interchange) revenue on EVERY transaction-the reason also has Nothing do to with your processor or rate!
You can see this for yourself by Googling Visa Interchange Rates. Or visit here
Visa’s website page 11
You can see the interchange cost of accepting a commercial card with vs w/o level 3 payment detail. This happens before your processor adds their markup.
• Commercial Level III 1.85% + $0.10
• Commercial Level II 2.05% + $0.10
• Commercial Card Present 2.50% + $0.10
• Commercial Card Not Present 2.65% + $0.10
Revolution Payments developed technology to help businesses meet the requirements resulting in qualifying for MasterCard and Visa Level 3 interchange rates without having to manually enter the 7-13 additional fields otherwise required.
On average, this lowers the cost of accepting B2B & B2G credit card transactions on average by 1.0% to 1.5%., with companies seeing as high as $3,000-$11,000 per month in savings.
The Revolution Payments’ Gateway automates the Level 3 updating of credit card payments – making the complex incredibly simple.
Statistics show us that 3 out of 5 businesses are still not accepting commercial and government cards correctly. Are you? Call today for your No Obligation level 3 rate quote and analysis.
Questions? Call 888 790 3450 and speak with one of level 3 payment processing consultants
Revolution Payments is a is a full-service payment provider of electronic transaction processing services for
(B2B) business-to-business and (B2G) business-to-government
merchants with over 20 years’ experience