Discover Hidden Savings With Revolution Payments Interchange Optimization Service

Discover Hidden Savings With Revolution Payments Interchange Optimization Service by qualifying for lower interchange categories on B2B and B2G transactions, and avoid potential downgrades. There is no cost for merchants for using this service. In exchange for helping you reduce your expense of accepting commercial cards, revolution payments keeps 50% of the savings from the reduced interchange rates.
Many businesses accepting B2Band B2G transactions do not properly pass on level II or Level III line item detail. This service can automate qualification for these transactions, reducing your cost of accepting commercial cards by 30%-40%.
This Interchange optimization is 100% automated, nothing to key, program or get training on. The service also works with any credit card terminal or gateway, as long as its supported by First Data and Elavon.
This program is designed for commercial credit cards, ie, corporate cards, commercial, purchase cards, fleet cards, government and business cards.
Commercial cards have different interchange fees and requirements than consumer cards. Commercial cards clear at one of three interchange categories. Level 1, level 2, or level 3. The higher the level, the lower the interchange rate.
Interchange fees can amount to 80% and more of a businesses total expense. This level II and Level III interchange optimization service allows a business to recoup a large chunk of interchange fees that will otherwise go to the card issuers.
Interested in learning more about this Interchange Optimization service, or curious to see how this service will reduce your credit card processing fees We’d love to provide a no obligation review and analysis. Give us a call at 888 790 3450 or email info@