Do You Accept Government Credit Cards

Although commonly referred to as the federal contracting market, it’s more accurately described as the federal purchasing market. Why? Because not everything the government buys requires a formal contract. In fact, the most common purchasing method for the government mirrors that of everyday consumers: using a credit card. Last year alone, government buyers made over 95 million credit card transactions, totaling approximately $29 billion.
Chances are, your business is better equipped to accept credit card payments than navigate the lengthy and complex process of securing a federal contract. However, the challenge lies in the fact that these credit card purchases are not posted for bid—they aren’t announced, competed for, or advertised. Despite this, government buyers make these transactions over 250,000 times daily.
If you’re interested in tapping into this hidden market of federal credit card purchases, give us a call today. Aside from gaining new opportunities, Visa and MasterCard have created special interchange rates (level 3 credit card processing) for accepting government purchase cards. This program, when set up properly, this can save you 30%-40%.
Questions? Call 888 790 3450 or email info@