Level III Credit Card Processing Solution for Credit Card Terminals

Level III Credit Card Processing Solution For Credit Card Terminals

Revolution payments can help your company submit Level III Credit Card Processing Solution for Credit Card Terminals. This is a game changer for businesses who process through credit card machines since terminals do not have the memory capable of sending level III line item detail.   With Visa and MasterCard tacking on additional interchange fees that…

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Government contractors Why pay 2.70% vs 1.9%?

Government contractors Why pay 2.70% vs 1.9%?

Government contractors Why pay 2.70% vs 1.9%? With the many challenges facing contractors today, it’s no wonder that they have relied on their banks to set-up their credit card processing. It’s regrettable that many in the contracting industry are unaware of the advantages that correct processing solutions can present. To support acceptance of corporate &…

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Epicor Level III Credit Card Processing

Epicor Level III Credit Card Processing

Streamline your workflow and reduce the interchange cost of accepting commercial cards by up to 1.5% with Revolution Payments Epicor Level 3 credit card processing solution. This solution operates effectively within Epicor. Integrating credit card processing activities into your accounting system. Improve workflow, save time, improve visibility and reduce your double entry. Streamline & simplify your payment…

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Level III Credit Card Processing Solution For Salesforce Users

Level III Credit Card Processing Solution For Salesforce Users

Revolution Payments announces a Level III credit card processing solution for Salesforce users. This integrated solution streamlines and simplifies payment processing while mitigating the higher interchange fees automatically applied to credit cards accepted from other businesses or government. Merchants utilizing this service are automatically enrolled in Revolution Payments free commercial card interchange optimization program. This lowers the…

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Reduce Interchange Fees Associated for Accepting Government Purchase Cards

Reduce Interchange Fees Associated for Accepting Government Purchase Cards

Revolution Payments Reveals has a  New Service to Help Government Vendors Reduce Interchange Fees Associated for Accepting GSA, Government Purchase Cards This solution will  optimizes every credit card a government contract accepts to the lowest possible interchange rate.  Behind the scenes this powerful  automatically reclassifying government purchase cards and commercial cards  to level 3 interchange…

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Level 3 Payment Processing Solution For QuickBooks Online

Level 3 Payment Processing Solution For QuickBooks Online

Revolution Payments reveals a Level 3 Payment Processing solution for QuickBooks Online users. Level 3 processing can reduce the interchange for accepting credit cards from other businesses and or government by up to 43%.   Interchange is responsible for the bulk of the fees you pay to accept credit cards; it’s also paid to the card issuing bank.…

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How to Accept Government Purchase Cards

How to accept government p cards

How to accept government purchase cards. Almost any processor can set you up to accept government purchase cards however, if your goal is to accept government purchase cards at the lowest possible interchange rate, its very important to make sure your processor understands interchange as it relates to government p cards. Government Purchase cards qualify…

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Accepting GSA SmartPay Cards

Accepting GSA SmartPay Cards

When it comes to accepting GSA SmartPay cards, it may be time to make some changes. Implement 21st century payment processing technology is required to keep your business both competitive and compliant. Accepting GSA SmartPay cards requires processing technology able to capture level II and level III payment data. Government & Commercial cards accepted without level…

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Discover Hidden Savings With Revolution Payments Interchange Optimization Service

Revolution Payments Interchange Optimization

Discover Hidden Savings With Revolution Payments Interchange Optimization Service by qualifying for lower interchange categories on B2B and B2G transactions, and avoid potential downgrades. There is no cost for merchants for using this service. In exchange for helping you reduce your expense of accepting commercial cards, revolution payments keeps 50% of the savings from the…

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GSA Vendors Double Your Profit Margins!

Level I, Level II, and Level III Credit Card Processing

GSA Vendors Can Double Profit Margins By Accepting Credit Cards from the Government Correctly! Did you know Visa and MasterCard created special rates for vendors who accept government credit cards that lowers transaction cost by 40%  Qualifying your transactions Under 2% whether you key, process over the internet, or swipe them?  If not, don’t worry. Even though level…

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