Level 3 Processing Automated!

Automate Your Level 3 Processing Interchange Rate Qualification.
Visa and MasterCard use “interchange fees” to determine how much you pay the card issuing banks each time you accept a credit card transaction.
What most banks and processors may not have told you is that for B2B, Commercial or government purchases, interchange rates fall into one of 3 interchange categories — Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 – with 1 being the highest rates and 3 being the lowest.
Revolution Payments offers is a proprietary payment solution, and here’s how it works: For all credit card transactions … whether processed online or entered manually on your PC or mobile … our system automatically attaches details to every transaction that update all your credit card orders to Level 3 interchange rates
On average, businesses that use the Revolution Payments Gateway to process their credit card orders lowers interchange on average by 1.0% to 1.5%.
You could try to manually add the necessary Level 3 details to get interchange rebates to each credit card order you accept. But it’s pretty complex, with over 400 different interchange rates based on industry, method of card acceptance, type of card used, and size of purchase!
The Revolution Payments Gateway automates the Level 3 processing updating of credit card payments – making the complex incredibly simple, with virtually 100% accuracy. There are no hidden fees. Approval and set-up are quick and easy. Customer service and support are unduplicated in the industry.
The first step is to call me toll-free 888-790-4350 for a free, no-obligation rate quote and to see if you qualify for this under-publicized system for reducing your credit card processing fees. Or get your free rate quote online here: www.revolution-payments.com/free-rate-quote-request/